
Sunday 30 August 2015

The tomb of the 26th dynasty ruler of Upper Egypt uncovered in Assassif, Luxor - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online


The tomb of the 26th dynasty ruler of Upper Egypt uncovered in Assassif, Luxor - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online: The tomb of the 26th dynasty vizier of Upper Egypt discovered in South Assassif on Luxor's west bank

"Badi-Bastet could be buried in a shaft inside the court or in a main
burial chamber of Karabasken tomb," the head of the mission Elena
Pischikova suggested. She asserted that further cleaning of the tomb's
different sections and the continuation of the archaeological survey
would definitely reveal more secrets of the tomb.

"It is a very important discovery," the Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh
Eldamaty told Ahram Online. He explained that the discovery has shed
more light on the architecture and design of tombs of top governmental
officials during the Saite period, especially the 26th dynasty.

Studies carried out on Badi-Bastet's different titles reveal that he
was one of the grandsons of Babasa, a nobleman whose tomb is located
east of Assassif (TT279).

The South Assassif Conservation Project started in 2006 when the two
Kushite tombs of Karabasken (TT 391) and Karakahamun (TT 223) and the
early Saite tomb of Irtieru (TT 390), were re-discovered there.  These
tombs have never been properly cleaned, studied and restored but now
within the framework of the project they will be preserved.

Nothing on the mission website yet but this is a link to the blog

Friday 28 August 2015

Ägyptologisches Seminar: Report 2014 Update on KV64 Valley of Kings

Those lucky people in Florence got a lecture on the newest tomb in the Valley of Kings, KV64. Margaret Maitland tweeted the link to the website report from the latest season

Ägyptologisches Seminar: Report 2014

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Tutankhamen tomb closes for renovation Oct1 | Cairo Post

Tutankhamen tomb closes for renovation Oct1 | Cairo Post: “The Pharaoh’s mummy will be carefully preserved in a temporary glass display case to be placed in the tomb’s antechamber in order not to be damaged during the restoration work set to be carried out in the burial chamber,” Eid said.

The announcement comes amid controversy regarding the state of preservation of the young Pharaoh’s mummy during the renovation of his tomb; Eid said that the display case includes humidifiers,dust seals, UV protected glass, air circulation and environment control to ensure the safety of the mummy.

Mummy of boy king Tutankhamun to remain in Valley of the Kings - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online

Mummy of boy king Tutankhamun to remain in Valley of the Kings - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online: After much debate, the decision has been reached not to move the mummy of the boy king Tutankhamun to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The mummy will remain in the Valley of the Kings on the Nile's west bank near Luxor.

Monday 24 August 2015

The tomb of Rekhmire, TT100, at Luxor can now be seen on OsirisNet.

The tomb of Rekhmire, TT100, at Luxor can now be seen on OsirisNet.
Detailed descriptions of the various walls are illustrated with over 600 photographs, which show the entire chapel. In particular, the scenes that decorate the walls of the famous longitudinal room, whose ceiling gradually rises to 8 m high, are shown.
This is - to our knowledge - the largest image database covering the monument.
English version :

Thierry Benderitter

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Reeves upcoming visit to Egypt aims to prove Nefertiti burial theory - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online

How exciting!   

Reeves upcoming visit to Egypt aims to prove Nefertiti burial theory - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online: Archaeologist Nicholas Reeves is set to arrive in Egypt mid-September in the hopes of confirming his theory about the location of Nefertiti’s final resting place

Tuesday 18 August 2015

State Information Services Mahlab tours projects in Luxor

State Information Services Mahlab tours projects in Luxor: Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab inspected on Sunday 16/8/2015 the Kebash(sphinx) Avenue in Luxor, which is being renovated by the Arab Contractors Company. Mahlab assigned the company to complete the ancient path's renovation as soon as possible. The cost is estimated at 25 million pounds.

The premier, escorted by a number of ministers, also visited the "Hadary" popular market, which has been prepared by the governorate for street vendors. Luxor governor said 233 shops were built for the street peddlers, who will be chosen by public auction, he said.

Mahlab also inspected the Luxor general hospital, which is being completely overhauled by the Armed Forces. The project's total cost is about119 million pounds and will be carried out in two years, the health minister has said.

He also visited the Hassan Fathy village and the west bank. I happen to know this because Mahmoud's car was borrowed :)

Sunday 16 August 2015 - BAWABS - L'Egypte à leurs portes

Shame they did not get their facts right or credit the photographer.

From Kim Lau : There is copyright violation by CairoScene of the photo used, your photo source is not clean nor responsible. Please bring down photo with immediately, you have no rights to use now that I have informed YOU HAVE INFRINGED MY COPYRIGHTS.

His name is JAHLAN HAMDUALLAH OMAR, Jane Akshar's father-in-law, photographed in Luxor, and not a Bawab and defintiely not in Cairo. Copyright logo has been deliberately removed by croping, this action is utterly irresponsible coming from a publication channel, and giving people a flase implication by placing the photo prominently misleading readers that he's a Bawab. - BAWABS - L'Egypte à leurs portes: Gratin de Cairotes raconte l’histoire des grandes figures de l’Egypte : des personnages historiques ou anonymes, des coutumes, des modes, tous ces éléments qui contribuent à façonner l’identité d’une ville et le charme qu’ils lui confèrent aux yeux des étrangers qui y vivent.

Aujourd’hui, on s’attarde sur un personnage plus que quotidien, que l’on croise chaque fois que l’on franchit le seuil de notre appartement : le bawab. Le bawab est un élément distinctif de la vie au Caire et à travers le portrait de deux d’entre eux, nous allons découvrir des hommes et un métier finalement méconnus.

photo : Bawab avec sa chicha - Source Cairoscene

C’est au coeur de Maadi que l’on rencontre Yassin et Ramadan, les deux bawab de deux immeubles qui se font face. Ramadan arrose déjà les plantes qui souffrent de la canicule, quant à Yassin, il ouvre la porte courtoisement à un couple d’habitants de son immeuble, en les saluant comme à son habitude.

Yassin est bawab de cet immeuble depuis 20 ans. Quand il est arrivé d’Assouan, c’est un ami à lui qui lui a permis de trouver ce poste-ci.

Depuis il surveille les allées et venues, nettoie les parties communes, s’occupe du jardinet, nettoie les voitures garées devant, et aide généreusement les habitants pour porter leurs bagages ou de menus travaux.

Ramadan vient aussi d’Assouan, et ça fait « seulement » 10 ans qu’il est bawab de son immeuble. Avec un grand sourire, il nous raconte lui aussi comment il s’occupe des plantes, comment il aide les femmes à porter leurs courses tout en haut des 6 étages de l’immeuble et les services qu’il rend à ses habitants.

Bien plus que des portiers

Le bawab est une figure très cairote. Comme Ramadan et Yassin, ils viennent souvent des zones rurales de Haute-Egypte, et fuient une pauvreté certaine pour jouir d’une situation plus « aisée » en ville, là où les « tips » des habitants de leurs immeubles leur permettent de gagner jusqu’à 1.000 livres par mois (environ 120€) afin de faire vivre une famille parfois restée au village, parfois ayant emménagé avec eux.

Le nom de leur métier vient directement de « bewb », la porte. Mais ce sont plus que de simples portiers. Ce sont des hommes le plus souvent très dévoués, n’hésitant pas à faire une course pour les habitants de leurs immeubles. Avec l’arrivée de nombreux étrangers, certains bawabs sont malheureusement devenus un peu cupides, mais travaillant rarement seuls, il n’est pas rare de voir ces bawabs mal intentionnés se faire réprimander par des bawabs plus anciens et acquis à leurs valeurs.

On demande à Yassin et à Ramadan s’ils seront bawabs toute leur vie. Ils répondent que oui avec le sourire. Mais quand on leur demande s’ils ont envie que leurs enfants reprennent le flambeau, c’est avec un autre sourire, empli d’espoir pour la génération future et de lucidité quant à leur propre précarité qu’ils répondent franchement « Non ».

Thursday 13 August 2015

Harwa project (@Harwa2001) | Twitter

Harwa project (@Harwa2001) | Twitter

 Get ready for next season and follow the excavations at Harwa direct from the tomb in Luxor. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

BBC Radio 4 - World at One, 11/08/2015 Nick Reeves speaks about Nefertiti's tomb

Nick Reeves paper on the doorways in Tutankhamuns tomb is now beginning to hit headlines , I suggest you ignore the more sensational news reports and stick to his paper

However this BBC report is worth listening too as there is actually an interview with Nick,. he started speak around 43 minutes in the program. 

BBC Radio 4 - World at One, 11/08/2015

Monday 10 August 2015

July in South Asasif Part II | South Asasif Conservation Project Blog

I take my hat off the the staff and volunteers working in the heatwave we are having at the moment. Do read the entire blog. 

July in South Asasif Part II | South Asasif Conservation Project Blog: This season our main conservation efforts are concentrated in the Second Pillared Hall of the tomb of Karakhamun.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Dr Moustafa Wazery and KV2 Valley of Kings

I just met with Dr Moustafa  Wazery who is head of the mission responsible for the new work at KV2 Ramases IV, in the valley of kings. It was so good to see him again as the last time I saw him was in 2010.  The most important thing to know about his work is that it will not affect access to the valley. It is taking place high up on the valley.

The purpose is to remove the debris from old missions and restore the valley to its appearance in ancient times.  In the past whenever an excavation took place the debris was just moved to the nearest empty place. This has affected the topography of the valley. By removing this fill and restoring the ancient look it will protect the valley from flash flooding as the ancient Egyptians had allowed for this.

We also talked about Nick Reeves paper on Tutankhamun. He had heard about this but has not yet read the paper (I promised him a copy) he agreed it needed through investigation and analysis as any physical investigation would be destructive to the Tutankhamun burial chamber. Even a tiny fiber optic cable would be destructive. He promised if he heard what the decision was he would let me know.

The last thing we discussed was the letter I sent to to Dr Mostaf Ameen back in February. It is good to see some progress on this. 1) Mut and Deir el Shelwit are both being charged in Egyptian pounds 2) the dewatering projects are working well. The various directors were in the office and they confirmed this. Dr Moustafa promised to follow up with the other points I raised, fingers crossed we might get our lectures back.