
Wednesday 16 February 2011

Good News from Egypt and Luxor

Akhenaton Returns
The Egyptian Department of Antiquities has recovered a statue of Akhenaton, one of eight items stolen by looters from the Egyptian Museum on 28 January. It had been returned to the museum by Sabri Abdel-Rahman, a professor at the American University in Cairo, said the department.

The statue was found near a garbage bin in Tahrir Square during the mass pro-democracy protests by Abdel-Rhaman's son. Abdel-Rhaman immediately contacted the Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism.

Egypt moving forward - the event. A group of Egyptian business men in Luxor are planning a big event in Luxor to celebrate the future. Egypt is going to be bigger and better and your holiday experience more fantastic. It is on the 26th February and is going to be big.

On a personal note 30 minutes after the British FCO lifted their erroneous advice about non essential travel to Luxor I got a booking for my flats and they arrive tonight!!


  1. Ah least I know Easyjet are on their way ! It's been great here....but the problem is will I return? I say that because I will never experience Luxor as it has been this week again. It's been like having my own private Indiana JOnes filmset to play on. A unique experience. All the best and will follow your blog with great interest. Peter

  2. Hello again Jane, this is super news for you, as you depend on the tourists. People will return, especially the ones like me who travel independently. So if your reading this GET BOOKED. I suspect the holiday companies will be a little slower but people will return for sure. Luxor is a really interesting place, lost to see, super people, great value for money and lots of sunshine. Best of luck and I am sure its only a matter of time. If your around on Monday 28th I would love to meet you for a chat and a coffee at the Winter Palace on the terrace. Craig


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