Friday, 30 October 2009

Carter House Progress

I was at the site yesterday and things are really moving. Some of the original furnishings are waiting to be put in place including this wonderful thing. Harry Burton's camera. Isn't that just amazing to think he took all those pictures that are on the Griffiths institute website with this.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Cairo Event but put a comment if you would like to see her in Luxor

The American University in Cairo
Sociology- Anthropology-Psychology-Egyptology

Cordially invites you to

Performance Storytelling: Myths and Stories from Ancient Egypt

Dr. Samira Kirollos
A renowned international master storyteller, who lives in London, will be performing four Ancient Egyptian stories


Saturday 7th November 2009
At 7:00 p.m.
Oriental Hall
AUC downtown campus

Monday, 26 October 2009

Request from British Embassy

If you are a British passport holder visiting or resident in Egypt please register with the Consular Section of the Embassy. To complete the LOCATE online consular registration form please go to

It’s a very simple procedure and you can register your whereabouts up to 12 months in advance.
In the event of an emergency affecting British Nationals in Egypt those who have registered on LOCATE will be contacted directly by the British Embassy with guidance or instructions.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Balloons are back

Inshahallah balloons will start flying over Luxor Sunday 25th October

Edited 25/10/09

it was canceled today but looking good for tomorrow

Frances Anthon nee Lindsay

OK this is personal but I just felt it was appropriate. Dealing with Lady Carnarvon recently I was remind of my grandmother. She would have been so made up

Christmas 1964 I was visiting my grandmother Fanny Anthon. I was 9 years old and you know what it is like, it is not a child’s house and you are trying to find things they might enjoy to keep them quiet. Grandma give me a book on Tutankhamen, Christine Desroches Noblecourt’s book in fact, to read. Well I just loved it, in fact so much that on my 10th birthday 23rd March 1965 I was given book tokens and I used them to buy to the paperback for 12/6. bet that takes you back lol

Well Grandma died in 1982, 3 years after my first visit to Egypt, I kept a diary and sent it to her to read when I came back. I also bought her some Egyptian beads, terrible fakes but she loved them. However I did not know she left me such a tremendous legacy. My love for Egypt and a tiny note book that poignant records her love for Egypt and hopes that I might carry it on. It records some TV programs in 1972 50th anniversary of Tutankhamen’s discovery. Notes is her wonderful writing.

When I cleared out my father effects when he died I found them, on the back was this.

Why they were never passed on to me at the time I don’t know. But Grandma they were not burnt. But there are now here with me in Luxor, Egypt. In the same place that the ashes of your son Alec Anthon are scattered in the Valley of the Kings. Thank you Grandma for given me such a wonderful interest.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

BBC iPlayer - Show Me the Mummy

Check this out, not only a Luxor mummy but my prof. Yes Rosalie David head of Manchester. She gave us an exclusive preview at the end of the last academic year in a video lecture. Being on the Manchester course gives you such wonderful opportunities. BBC iPlayer - Show Me the Mummy you have just 6 days and need to be in the Uk or use a proxy.

Kick-Off Ceremony for USAID-supported Antiquities Project In Luxor

I attended the Kick Off Ceremony for the West Bank Groundwater Lowering Project which took place next to the Ramasseum Temple in Luxor today at 10.30. The project is the result of co-operation between the US Agency for International Development(USAID), the National Organization for potable Water and Sanitary Drainage (NOPWASD), the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) and the Supreme Council of Luxor City.

In attendance was USAID/Egypt Director Hilda M Arellano, President of the Supreme council of Luxor Dr Samir Farag, Chairman of the National Organisation for potable Water and Sanitary Drainage NOPWASD, eng Hassan Khaled Fadl and Head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Upper Egypt, Mansour Boraik together with other Egyptian dignitaries and officials from foreign missions working on antiquities in Luxor.

The ceremony marks the commencement of the construction of a sophisticated drainage system that will decrease ground water levels in the area, thereby protecting five major sites and approximately twenty small temples. Drainage pipes will collect water from the south temple of Medinet Habu to the pump station at the Ramasseum and from the north temple of Seti also to the pump station. This will then be pumped into the Asfun Canal. This technique was piloted at Karnak and Luxor temples with great success.

Christian le Blanc, seen here, is one of the many archaeologists that will be affected by this work, he is working at the Ramasseum but it will also benefit Ray Johnson and his team from Chicago House, also present, who are working at Medinet Habu and many other teams.

Really sorry, my fault

How I got 75th anniversary I don't know 2009-1922 is 87. Must have been a senior moment.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Carter House Restoration and Dewatering on the West Bank

Just got a great update from Ray Johnson of Chicago House. There is an inauguration of the dewatering project tomorrow, yes we all know it was started long ago but this is the official inauguration by the head of US Aid. There are two gravitational drains one starting at Medinet Habu and the other at Seti I temple. They both lead to a pumping station near the Ramasseum, this will then collect the water and pump it into the irrigation canal. They are hoping this will halt the destruction of the monuments. It is critical as the repair work at Medinet Habu is almost being destroyed as quickly as they make it. Chicago House will be starting work this week at their various sites.

Meanwhile yours truly has been continuing to help out at the Carter House restoration. I have been liaising between Lady Carnarvon and Dr Hany el Miniaw the architect in charge of the restoration. Lady Carnarvon is providing a number of display boards with some really atmospheric photos of the house, the two men Carter and Carnarvon and the history of their working relationship. I was over yesterday and today and took some photos of progress so far. The grand opening is the 4th November the 75th (correction 87th) anniversary of the discovery of the first step that ultimately led to the tomb of Tutankhamen. It is such a privilege to be in Luxor at this time and to have a small part in the work. I am a very lucky girl

Sunday, 11 October 2009

"The Asyut Project": Eine Grabung in Mittelägypten/An excavation in Middle Egypt

I had a great day out on Saturday at a conference in Sohag. getting there from Luxor is a bit of a challenge but so worth it. I actually drove down the day before and stayed the night in a really nice hotel in Sohag. Nile Hotel 4* on the corniche. Lovely location, I really recommend the hotel if you want a weekend on the Nile without hassle.

The conference was at Sohag University just down the road. It was a full day program
Two documentary films by Ammar Abu Bakr
Jochem Kahl :Asyut Project
Mahmoud El-Khadragy: Nomarchs of First Intermediate Period and early Middle Kingdom
Sameh Shafik:Ephigraphic Work
Ursula Verhoeven:New Kingdom Graffitti in tomb N13.1
Meike Becker:Reconstruction of Tomb II
Monika Zoller-Engelhardt:Wooden Models
Andrea Kilian:Offering plates
Magdalena Patolla:Human bones from the tombs of the Old Kingdom
Ahmed Elkhatib:Historic Plant Records
Abdel Nasser Yassin:Islamic Pottery

I am now a complete fan of the First Intermediate Period, the team have a website in English as well as German
"The Asyut Project": Eine Grabung in Mittelägypten/An excavation in Middle Egypt

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

French and Zahi in head to head

Lourve Museum in talks over 5 stolen Luxor paintings

Just last year we were given a lecture about a noble tomb that had a scene hacked out back in the 1960's. Obviously stuff bought back in the distant past is immune but these more recent artifacts are frankly completely illegal and should be returned. Luxor wants its nobles tombs back

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

KV63 Update

From Roxanne Wilson

A new update is available on the KV-63 website (

The update is rather substantial and includes:
• Dr. Schaden’s newest Dig Diary
• A list of new KV-63 articles and publications
• Details on the upcoming Howard Carter Symposium where Dr. Otto Schaden, Professor Earl Ertman and Dr. Salima Ikram will be presenting papers
• Information on ‘Tutankhamun: The Latest Discovery in the Valley of the Kings and the Egyptological Art of Susan Osgood’ (OI/Chicago House & KV-63 Artist)
• 30 new images…. including some never before seen
• and A Special Commentary on the Menkheperre Seal by Dr. Otto Schaden. A mud seal bearing the cartouche of Menkheperre (Thutmosis III).

Monday, 5 October 2009

Ramases III tomb has reopened.

Received from one of my readers, thank you Gérard

Just to let you know that Ramases III tomb has reopened from today.

My recommendation to visitors to Luxor if you want to under Ancient Egypt better and specifically Ramases III do this

- Start the visit in East Bank, Luxor visiting Karnak and particullary the Chapels of Ramses III
- Go to the West Bank, visit Medinet Habu to see his Temple of a Million Years
- Go to Queen's Valley and visit the tombs of one of his wives and two of his children
- Finish by visiting his tomb in the King's Valley.

Thursday, 1 October 2009