These are all the links etc I managed to find on the site this is a paper about Rat Tawy another manifestation of Hathor, the returning eye of Re a site in French that is full of useful stuff
and here are some references
Porter and Moss Book V 137-150
Seaton-Williams Ptolemaic Temples 28-29
Werner The God Montu. This one is particularly good as he mentions what the temple was like at all time periods up until the New Kingdom, starting from the early temple (i.e. Kemp's pre formal). As well as having loads about the God Montu
There was an avenue of sphinxes that lead to a large gateway. this avenue apparently would have gone all the way to Karnak

The site is very similar to that at Tod temple and I have no idea why it is closed. I am going to ask Mansour Boraik about it because I think it could be open in exactly the same way with tickets being sold at Luxor temple.

There is a peristyle courtyard leading to the remains of the hypostyle hall with some nice capitals both open and closed flower capitals. Further on is the sanctuary then a back part which was on top of the middle kingdon area and has a temple to Montu as a bull

This was a coloum from the peristyle court and it was about 1.5 meters high and had Rekhyt birds all around it. Having heard the lecture by Ken Griffin I am now noticing these where ever I go.

This was an interesting image that the Rekhyt were worshiping, the king shown as young child complete with forelock of youth and sucking his thumb sitting on a lotus bud, reminded me of Tutankamun's head emerging from the lotus.

Here are the cartouches, can anyone identify them for me?

This image is one of Montu, there are various falcon headed gods but you can spot Montu as he has a sundisk AND double feathers.

There was a fairly informal block yard, not on mastabas but arrange in rows. This piece is a winged sun disk with protective snakes either side, you can just see a bit of colour. Sorry my camera is awful, I only have a camera phone at the moment but I was with someone with a good camera and as soon as I get his photos I will put them up.

More images from the block yard.

This image was tricky to get as the entrance gateway has been walled up with a rough modern wall, I guess to protect it.

A nice offering bearer

One of the things I liked was as we were resting under the trees a local family came out of their house next to the temple and crossed it taking a short cut to their destination. I do like to see the locals amongst the monuments, they belong to them and it shows the timelessness of Egypt which is part of the attraction for me.
One of the main publications of Medamud is Bisson de la Roque, Rapport sur les fouilles de Medamoud, var. vols. years 1926-33.
These will soon be available as pdf files from Yare Egyptology.
Brian Yare
Thank you so much from me and my readers for that Brian.
One of Lynda and my favorite temples, I have it taged on Google earth. Medamud is about 5KM from Karnak and there are also some sphinks remains on the land going north east from Montu temple at Karnak, it would have been a long avenue!
Great info thanks Jane... yes luv to visit one day I was in my beloved Abydos yesterday again keep finding the Rekhyt symbols... Did go to Dendara but am spoiled with Abydos far better quality. I gather they are calling for helpers in Nov to work in Ramses II temple at Abydos luv to go do u have any details?
Thanks again
Kevin in Abydos might have more details of any volunteering but this would be weeks at a time, living in a primitive dig house doing what ever they wanted you to do, even data entry. when my students were here every day two would stay back and spend the day entering into the registration database. It is not glamourous
I must spend time studying Rekhyt birds.
Hi Jane :-)
I think these are Antonino Pio's cartouches, who was emperor of Rome from 138 to 161 AD.
Paolo Bondielli
thank you Paolo that would fit as it was from the peristyle court. Appreciate the help
Thank you for sharing your visit and photos, Jane! Having worked at Abydos, I just wanted to say that if you have the opportunity you should take it. The house isn't *that* primitive (hey, they even have wi-fi now), and it is a truly unique place to spend some time. Besides, entering information into the database may not be glamorous, but it IS an essential part of the work. ;-) Thanks again for the tour of Medamud!
thanks for the comment Mutseba, But I wanted to set the expectations of any volunteers correctly. Some think it is Indianna Jones relived :)
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