Sunday 24 July 2011

Leicester Ancient Egypt Society

If you want to join an Egyptology Society near Leicester here are the details. If another society wants to use me for publicity please email me. Leicester Ancient Egypt Society: "Welcome to the online home of the Leicester Ancient Egypt Society.

We meet most months at the New Walk Museum in Leicester, where you can expand your knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Hear about the art, architecture, religious beliefs, the intrigues of the Pharaohs and the lives of the ordinary people. Learn about new discoveries from experts in the field.

The guest lecturers are usually professional Egyptologists with a national or international reputation, and all are experienced speakers. Their talks are designed for the non expert audience, and so no one need feel that they would be out of their depth at our meetings.

The talks are usually illustrated and the lecturers will normally take questions, which can lead to stimulating debate! The meetings are informal and usually end with refreshments when members of the audience may have the opportunity of chatting with the guest speaker.

The ‘Schedule’ page lists the speakers for the year, while details and benefits of joining Leicester Ancient Egypt Society are on the ‘Membership’ page.

Keep up with events at the Society throughout the year at:- or

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