Thursday 3 March 2016

Wolf - new restaurant in Luxor

Michael on the roof and I went to the new Al Gezera restaurant Wolf tonight, We knew it was ok as Mahmoud Jahlan had taken some guests there the other night. It had only been open 10 days so still smells of paint!. Extremely clean and fresh.  It is run by Nubi who worked in America for 25 years and has very high standards. His wife is Moroccan so he hope to have Moroccan dishes on occasion. He has a menu but I recommend asking what is special. The moment we heard there was lamb both Michael and I chose that and didn’t regret a single mouthful. The menu does need a bit of work, we were tempted by the hand maid tagen lol. Any driver on the west bank will find it for you, the new restaurant near the school.

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