Wednesday 12 September 2012

AEDE Web :: Asociación Española de Egiptología

Another great conference i have bene notified about.

The Asociación Española de Egiptología has reached its first 25 years since its foundation in 1987. To celebrate this anniversary, we have programmed a 2 day Seminar in Madrid, from 19th to 21st October 2012.

This event will include eight lectures about field research, recent discoveries, and present and future of Archaeology in Egypt.

Our lecturers will be:
- Dr. Hourig Sourouzian (Kom el Hettan) Opening Session
- Dr. Carmen Perez-Die (Heracleópolis Magna)
- Dr. Salima Ikram (Djehuty TT11)
- Dr. José Manuel Galán (Djehuty tt11)
- Dr. Myriam Seco (Funerary Temple Thutmosis III)
- Dr. Mansour Boraik (Avenue of Sphinxes, Luxor)
- Dr. Alejandro Jiménez Serrano (QH33 Asswan)
- Dr. Mohamed el-Bialy

The title of the Seminar is JORNADAS CONMEMORATIVAS XXV ANIVERSARIO - ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE EGIPTOLOGIA, and will be held at the Conference Room of the Museo Lázaro Galdiano (Serrano, 122 – Madrid. Spain)
AEDE Web :: Asociación Española de Egiptología: - Sent using Google Toolbar

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